Excess Inventory


Offers Excess inventory of some Old DC STOCK to meet your specific requirements.


In order to improve the supply chain process, we suggest a professional management of your excess and obsolete components.


All you need to do is simply send us your inventory list and enjoy our free advertising, a suitable environment for safe storage and a financial solution to your stock.




                  We allow our customers to convert

                    their excess inventory into cash



                  Excess Inventory Warehouse






Share your Inventory List


Upload your inventory list and sell us components by demand, while you maintain a full control of your inventory and line item cost.

This program grants you a full control of your inventory and selling price, while Prabhu Impex is paying for the advertisement of your inventory, and ensuring a Web-Presence at all major electronic components search engines.


Submit your inventory list


Excess Purchase (Upfront or Shared Revenue)


Immediately turn your dead stock into cash by selling us your excess inventory all at once.


Upfront Payment and immediate transaction for all your excess stock.

Shared Revenue,including upfront payment and 3 years contract terms. 

Your stock is stored in an antistatic environment, including ESD floors and work surfaces and is under relative humidity environment control.
The suitable environment conditions assure the longevity of the stored electronic components and maintain the value of the stock.


Submit your inventory list


Consignment Program


This program allows you to maintain full control of your inventory, while you keep your ownership.
The program’s unlimited contract term allows you the best flexibility, to consign your excess stock with ability to recall any part of it by demand.

While storing and advertising your inventory, we sell your electronic components and share the profit with you on a monthly basis.
The inventory is stored in suitable environmental conditions for electronic components (as mentioned on program 2).


Submit your inventory list